You Would Never Guess The Top Malpractice Reasons Doctors Are Sued For!

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The primary responsibility of all practicing doctors is to ensure that medical malpractice doesn’t occur. Unfortunately, accidents happen and some accidents cause people long-term injuries and even death. So, here are top reasons doctors are sued for.

Breach of Standard Care

Just because a physician has failed to diagnose a patient’s condition doesn’t mean they can be held liable. Only when the doctor has breached their standard care and their negligence caused the patient harm, it can be constituted as medical malpractice. If the doctor doesn’t breach their duty of care, the patient has no case.

Failure to Ask Patient’s History

If the physician fails to request medical history, such as allergies, current prescriptions or family histories, and this type of negligence causes harm to the patient or results in death, there is a case for medical malpractice.

Failure to Prescribe Proper Dosage

A physician can also be held liable for negligence if they prescribe medication that causes harm to the patient. This applies to both under and over-dosage of medication. Prescribing too little can worsen the patient’s condition because they are not receiving enough to get themselves treated. Prescribing too much can cause severe side effects or the patient can suffer from an overdose. In either case, the physician can be held liable for medical malpractice.

Failure to Follow Up

Even if the physician performs everything in the right order, but they fail to follow up with the patient, there is a case for medical malpractice. It could be any type of follow-up, such as a check-in for a prescription, a post-surgical checkup or follow-up medical tests. If a follow-up appointment is not held for pending medical problems of the patient, the physician is responsible for any harm that occurs.

If you are a victim of medical malpractice, contact Fitzgerald Law Firm for a free consultation.
