Two People Injured in Manhattan Pedestrian Accident

pedestrian-accidentDriving an enormous bus through the city is a difficult task for anyone, but that doesn’t mean that those who get behind the wheels of these vehicles are able to avoid responsibility for their actions.  Despite the inherent challenges involved with driving a large bus, those who do so are held to basically the same standards of reasonable conduct as everyone else.  While it’s too early to know who was at fault, someone did not live up to that standard on Monday night when two people were injured in a Manhattan pedestrian accident when they were hit by a bus.

According to the authorities, this Manhattan pedestrian accident occurred on Monday night at approximately 11 p.m.  The driver of a Fung Wah bus was about to get onto the Manhattan Bridge when suddenly, it collided with two pedestrians who were in the crosswalk at Canal Street and Bowery.  Both of the unidentified people who were injured were described as being in serious condition after being transported to a nearby hospital.  Police are still investigating the accident in order to determine fault.

New York Pedestrian Accidents

First and foremost, we’d like to offer our thoughts and our support for the people who were injured in this Manhattan pedestrian accident.  We hope that they are able to make fast and full recoveries.  In addition, this crash will now become part of the overall statistics regarding New York pedestrian accidents.  Every year, more than 15,000 of these crashes occur, leading to nearly as many injuries and to more than 300 fatalities.

New York Accident Lawyers

Clearly, more information will be needed in order to determine fault for this Manhattan pedestrian accident.  If it turns out that the bus driver was at fault, it could lead to the filing of a New York personal injury lawsuit against the driver and his or her employer.  If such a lawsuit is filed and it’s successful, it could lead to an award of damages that compensates the plaintiffs for their losses.

If you or someone you love has been wrongfully injured in a crash, you need to seek the help of New York accident lawyers who have been fighting for the rights of those harmed for more than 40 years.  Contact The Fitzgerald Law Firm today to schedule a free initial consultation.
